
The Best Crypto Podcasts to Listen to in 2022

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There’s no shortage of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related content out there. But sifting through it all can be a daunting task.

So we’ve done the work for you and compiled a list of the best crypto podcasts you should be listening to in 2022. Whether you’re new to the space or a seasoned veteran, there’s something here for everyone.

From interviews with industry leaders to discussions on the latest news, these podcasts will help keep you up-to-date on all things crypto.

The Best Crypto Podcasts to Listen to in 2022

The cryptocurrency world is always changing and evolving, which can make it difficult to keep up with the latest news and developments.

However, there are a number of great crypto podcasts out there that can help you stay informed about all the latest happenings in the world of digital currencies.

Here are five of the Best crypto podcasts that you should be listening to in 2022: 1. The Bad Crypto Podcast:

This podcast is hosted by Travis Wright and Joel Comm, two self-proclaimed “crypto enthusiasts” who offer their insights and analysis on all things blockchain and cryptocurrency.

From interviews with industry experts to discussions about hot topics in the space, this podcast is a great way to stay up-to-date on all things crypto.

2. Unconfirmed:

Insights and Analysis From the Top Minds in Blockchain:

This podcast features interviews with some of the top minds in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

If you want to hear from leading figures in the space such as Vitalik Buterin, Fred Ehrsam, or even Bill Gates himself, then this is definitely a podcast worth checking out.

3. Bitcoin & Markets:

As its name suggests, this podcast focuses primarily on bitcoin but also covers other aspects of the cryptocurrency markets including altcoins, ICOs, and regulation.

Hosted by Ansel Lindner and Brady Swenson, this show offers listeners detailed analysis of current events in an engaging format.

4. Off the Chain with Anthony Pompliano

In each episode of this talk show, host Anthony Pompliano introduces his guests – which have included everyone from billionaire investor Tim Draper to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin – before diving deep into a wide range of fascinating topics related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

5. What Grinds My Gears – Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Edition

Although not strictly a podcast, What Grinds My Gears is definitely worth mentioning for anyone interested in cryptocurrencies or blockchain technology as it provides concise yet insightful takes on various issues affecting the ecosystem ranging from scalability problems to trading strategies.

On top Headed by Nathan Wong (also known as the YouTuber “Crypt0”), What Grinds My Gears offers an interesting perspective on all things crypto that you won’t find many other places.

So there you have it – five of the best crypto podcasts that you should be listening to in 2022. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started in the world of digital currencies, these shows will help you stay up-to-date on all the latest news and developments.

Key Takeaway: The best crypto podcasts for 2022 offer insights and analysis on all things blockchain and cryptocurrency from interviews with industry experts to discussions about hot topics in the space.

Top 5 Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Podcasts You Must Follow

Top 5 Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Podcasts. In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, there is no shortage of news and information.

But with so much happening in this space, it can be difficult to keep up with everything. That’s where podcasts come in.

Podcasts are a great way to stay informed about all things crypto and blockchain. They’re usually shorter than traditional articles or videos, making them perfect for busy people on the go.

And because they’re typically delivered in an audio format, you can listen to them while doing other things like commuting or working out.

There are many excellent cryptocurrency and blockchain podcasts out there, but here are our top five picks:

1. The Bitcoin Podcast Network:

As one of the longest-running shows in the space, The Bitcoin Podcast Network offers insights from some of the brightest minds in cryptocurrency and blockchains.

Featuring a wide range of topics and guests, this podcast is ideal for anyone who wants to learn more about this rapidly evolving industry.

2. Epicenter – Bitcoin & Blockchain Tech News

This popular podcast covers all aspects of bitcoin and blockchain technology, offering listeners an informative look at how these technologies are changing our world today.

If you want to stay up-to-date on all the latest news surrounding cryptocurrencies and blockchains, then this is definitely a podcast worth checking out.

3. A16z Crypto w Katie Haun & Marc Andreessen:

In addition to being one half ·of famed VC firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), host Katie Haun also happens tp be a former federal prosecutor who specialized in digital currency cases.

Alongside her co-host Marc Andreessen, she brings unique insight into both worlds as they explore various issues related cryptocurrencie ssuch as adoption, regulation, innovation,and more.

4. Unchained:

Big Ideas From The Worlds Of Cryptocurrency And Blockchains With Laura Shin:

Hosted by journalist Laura Shin — whose work has appeared Forbes CryptoMarkets -Unchained focuses primarily on interviews with some o fthe most influential figures within5What Grinds My Gears – A Crypto Podcast With Charlie Shrem:

Although it may not always be serious discussion around everything thatâ€s going wrong i nthe cryptoverse, this podcast does provide some much-needed comic relief.

Hosted by bitcoin pioneer and entrepreneur Charlie Shrem, What Grinds My Gears is a lighthearted look at all things crypto, with a focus on the various issues that tend to grind our gears within the industry.

These are just five of the many excellent cryptocurrency and blockchain podcasts out there. So if youâ€re looking for ways to stay informed about all things crypto, be sure to check out some of these great shows.

Key Takeaway: Podcasts are a great way to stay informed about the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

7 of the Best Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Podcasts Right Now

If you’re like most people, then you’re probably always on the lookout for new and interesting podcasts to listen to. And if you’re interested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, then there’s no shortage of great options out there.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started in the space, these shows will provide valuable insights and analysis that will help keep you informed about all the latest developments.

1) The Bad Crypto Podcast:

If you want to stay up-to-date on all things crypto, then The Bad Crypto Podcast is a must-listen.

Hosted by Travis Wright and Joel Comm, each episode features interviews with some of the biggest names in the industry as well as lively discussion about hot topics du jour.

2) Unconfirmed:

Insights and Analysis From the Top Minds in Blockchain:

This podcast from Laura Shin offers listeners access to some of brightest minds in blockchain technology through fascinating interviews conducted by one of journalism’s leading authorities on cryptocurrencies.

3) What Bitcoin Did

Another excellent option for those looking to stay abreast of current affairs is What Bitcoin Did hosted by Peter McCormack.

As its name suggests, episodes typically focus on recent events affecting bitcoin prices but also offer helpful contextually explanations for newcomers seeking greater understanding..

4) Tales from the Crypt:

For something a little different (and perhaps more lighthearted), check out Tales fromthe Crypt – a podcast “dedicated to exploring everything weird, wild & wonderful about cryptocurrency.”.

5) Let’s Talk Bitcoin!

One show that’s been around since nearly the beginning is Let’s Talk Bitcoin!, which is now on its 400th episode.

Hosted by Andreas Antonopoulos, this podcast covers a wide range of topics related to bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the cryptocurrency industry.

6) Off the Chain with Anthony Pompliano

Another great option for those seeking interviews with top minds in crypto is Off the Chain with Anthony Pompliano.

As one of the most respected figures in digital assets, Pomp’s show features some truly enlightening conversations that are sure to educate and entertain listeners..

7) Bitcoin & Markets:

Last but not least is Bitcoin & Markets – a “weekly podcast covering macroeconomics, markets, and investing.” This show offers valuable insights for both experienced investors as well as those new to cryptocurrencies alike.

So there you have it – 7 of the best Bitcoin and cryptocurrency podcasts currently available.

Be sure to check out one (or all!) of these shows if you’re looking for informative and entertaining content about all things crypto-related!

Key Takeaway: The best crypto podcasts offer insights and analysis from some of the brightest minds in the industry.

Who has the best crypto podcast?

The best crypto podcast is the one that provides the most valuable and actionable information for its listeners.

In terms of content, this podcast should cover a wide range of topics related to cryptocurrency investing, including market analysis, coin recommendations, trading strategies, and industry news.

The hosts should be knowledgeable and engaging, making complex concepts easy to understand for beginners while still providing new insights for more experienced investors.

When it comes to format, the best crypto podcasts are typically around 60 minutes in length and released on a weekly basis.

This gives listeners enough time to digest each episode without feeling overwhelmed, while also ensuring that they stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the space.

Finally, look for a podcast that has good production values – clear audio quality is essential for an enjoyable listening experience.

Some of the best crypto podcasts currently available include The Bitcoin Podcast, Unconfirmed:

Insights and Analysis From the Top Minds in Crypto, Cryptocurrency Investing for Beginners, and Blockchain Insider.

Who gives the best crypto advice?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as different people may have different opinions on who gives the best crypto advice.

However, some popular choices for the best crypto advisor might include Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, or venture capitalist Tim Draper.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to research and decide who they believe gives the best crypto advice.

Are there any good books on crypto?

There are a few good books on crypto, but it really depends on what you’re looking for.

For general information about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, we recommend **Cryptoassets:

The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond** by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar.

If you’re more interested in the history of bitcoin and other digital currencies, then **Digital Gold:

Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits And Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money** by Nathaniel Popper is a great read.

Finally, if you want to get into the nitty-gritty of trading cryptocurrencies, then **The Age of Cryptocurrency:

How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order** by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey is worth checking out.


If you’re looking for informative and entertaining content about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, be sure to check out these shows.

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